


This magazine is viewed by over 3,800 companies that are interested in or already utilize hydraulic cutting presses. Subscribers are made up of factories in textile, leather works, plastic and foam converting, rubber components, shoe manufacturing, purse and bag manufacturing, medical braces and supplies, automotive interiors, furniture manufacturing, printers and a myriad of similar companies.

If you have services, supplies or equipments relating to this field, there is no better way to target your prospective customers.

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83% of Clicker Press Magazine readers are from America USA. The remaining 17% accounts for the readers from different parts of the world.




Reader Profile
Clicker Press Magazine's readers comprises of 72% male and 28% female.
Clicker Press Magazine has a reader demographics of 18 years and up, 18% of which are 18 to 34 years old, 34% are 35 to 49 years of age, and the remaining 48% are those 50 years old and above.
Different businesses subscribe to Clicker Press Magazine. The largest is Commercial Businesses, which accounts for 72% of our total subscribers, while 19% is for Home Businesses and 9% is for Startup Companies or Startups.

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